Wednesday, January 8, 2020

101 things I've learned on a mission...

1. Hand quilt 
2. Just like a pothole, a testimony can grow overnight 
3. Miracles do happen!
4. The gift of revelation
5. The love that Heavenly Father has for His children 
6. Cookie two step Bluebell icecream is the BEST ever
7. The correct form of the word y'all 
8. People in the South really love their sweet tea and Jesus 
9. The repentance process!!
10. How to never be alone...ever 
11. Grace should change you 
12. Shrimp and grits is the best food ever 
13. It's all in the Lord's hands not mine
14. Southern Mac& Cheese is hands down the best mac and cheese 
15. Pday naps are the most glorious thing 
16. How to fill my car with washer fluid,check my oil, and change a tire 
17. Football is the biggest church in America 
18. Family history touches everyone 
19. The temple is the most peaceful place EVER
20. Southern hospitality is a real thing 
21. The gospel really changes people 
22. You can fix anything with a little duct tape
23. How to hand sew
24. Qt after 4 is where it's at 
25. Following the spirit is the most powerful tool 
26. The art of communicating (even though I'm still awkward) 
27. There is always two sides of the streets
28. The Lord give us weaknesses to be strengthened 
29. The Lord qualifies who He calls 
30. Always be yourself 
31. How to align my will with Gods 
32. Laughing is the best medicine 
33. Be in the now 
34. The humidity works wonders for my dry skin 
35. Your testimony is your most powerful tool 
36. The polite thing to do is to say ma'am and sir
37. The humidity is not your friend when you have to walk 
38. The Book of Mormon is true!!
39. As we grow closer to Christ, He grows closer to us 
40. We are all part of God's family and He sure does love us
41. How to let Christ change me 
42. The Lord will always help you to know what to say
43. You are never to far gone 
44. Take things with a grain of salt 
45. The most important learnings of life are caught—not taught.
46. How to be open with my feelings (still in the process of learning)
47. Worldly things do not equal happiness 
48. Small and simple things make a big change 
49. The Bible and the Book of Mormon work hand in hand 
50. Sunday is the best day of the week 
51. God will answer things in His own timing 
52. We are learning, not stupid 
53. You can always change with the Atonement 
54. You can become the best of friends with someone in a matter of seconds 
55. Listening is a gift that you have to acquire 
56. How to have a conversation with God 
57. How to study the scriptures with love 
58. Fasting will bring you spiritual power 
59. Always have fun 
60. Stay close to the priesthood 
61. How to keep a budget 
62. Forget about the past sins 
63. Seek to gain spiritual gifts
64. God will use you to help others 
65. We are all on our own spiritual paths 
66. How to use and apply the scriptures 
67. The temple is quite literally Heaven on earth 
68. Enjoy to the end 
69. How to paint and pour ceramics 
70. You don't want to mess with Southern people and their college football 
71. Prayer is powerful
72. The prophets know what they are talking about 
73. I am not good when it comes to deep doctrine 
74. God is so willing to give us the gifts we need, we just have to ask for them! 
75. Smiling can open the door for people to learn more
76. Testimony meetings have my heart 
77. With Christ all things are possible 
78. If it's a good thought it comes from God
79. The Book of Mormon videos are the BEST things ever
80. Who I really am 
81. How big of a whimp I really am in the cold 
82. Do all things with a smile and it will be better
83. Be grateful in all circumstances 
84. The Lord loves us all so so much 
85. Forget yourself and go to work 
86. Different churches have bits and pieces  of the truth
87. God works with the knowledge we have 
88. People really are searching for the truth 
89. God listens to our wants and desires
90. Service is the way to the heart 
91.  Preach my gospel is a relevatory tool 
92.  How to fold a fitted sheets (thank you Hermanas 🙏
93.  God really does trust His missionaries 
94.  Family is a gift from God 
95.  Our church leaders care so much for us 
96.  It's alright to have questions 
97.   How to sew on a machine, thank you Connie Palmer!!
98.  God will give us the resources we need to get help 
99.  To be converted to the gospel 
100. Always stand up for what you believe in 
101. I LOVE to teach people about Christ 

I know without a shadow of a doubt that God loves each of his children and that He truly has a plan for us. I know that Christ atoned for our sins and that we can be forgiven and feel peace and happiness. I am grateful that I can help people learn about Jesus and feel of His light. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord here in South Carolina and I am so sad for my mission to be coming to an end. The Book of Mormon is true and it was given to us to have the fullness of truth. 

Thank y'all so much for all the love and support that you have sent my way! 

I love all y'all so much and I hope you have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen 

Monday, December 30, 2019

Another week bites the dust

It is so crazy that this is my last full week on the mission. It is such a bittersweet feeling and I am just in awe that God sent me to beautiful South Carolina to learn how to love Him even more! 

So, Christmas was so much fun! We went to a lot of different members house and we got to see our BFF Connie. We gave her a little gift and then she told us to come before she leaves for a trip because it will be the last time I see her 😭😭. I said goodbye to her yesterday and it was so sad and I am going to miss her so so much!

I was also able to give a talk in church on Sunday and per usual I cried like a baby and it went good. The first counselor who was conducting said a goodbye to me in front of the ward. It is just a weird feeling to know that I am close to going home. 

A great talk that I read this week is called "The Empowerment of Humility" by Richard C. Edgley. 

Anywho, I love y'all and I hope you have a blessed week! 

Sister Jensen 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Hello y'all! I hope you are all ready for the most bestest Christmas ever!! We are that's for sure. We are going to feed and sing to the homeless in a park and I am so so pumped! I am so excited to celebrate Jesus's birth!! 

Anywho, this week was really fun and a little sad. It was sad because I went on my last exchange and I just love exchanges so much! We were able to go to this members house and they had us go and deliver cookies to their neighbors. It was a lot of fun! 

We went and had another lesson with Willar and he is still giving his all to have the Book of Mormon  be apart of him and I know that as he prays that it will happen. God loves us too much!! 

A good talk to read this week is " The Tender Mercies of the Lord" by Elder Bednar. I truly know that God cares for us so much and that He will give us something to show us that He cares. I also know that this church is true and that  Jesus died  for me and for each of you! 

Well, I love y'all so very much and I hope you have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Oh What Fun!

This week was a whirlwind of emotions! I had my last zone confernece on the field and it was so so good. We had it all about Jesus Christ and how we can be more like Him. We even did a Christ workshop and made gifts to give to a family in need. It was literally the cutest thing ever! Normally on your final zone confernece they have you stand up and bear your testimony and let me just tell you, I bawled my eyes out! I never thought I would get to this point. 
I have also been getting departing emails from the mission office so I have just been a mess and a half this week with crying. 

We are teaching Willar and let me tell you this, that man is going to get baptized soon. He hasn’t set a date yet but hear this, he told us that he knows the Book of Mormon is true! The only thing that he is having a hard time with is that it's not a part of him yet (I didn't explain it well, so sorry). He told us how he has been a part of his church since he was 9 and he is now 73, so he has some questions about timing, but I know that God will give him his answers soon. 

A good talk to read this week is "Come What May, and Love It" by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin! 

Well, I love y'all and and have a blessed week! Remember that God loves you so so much 💙💙

Sister Jensen

Monday, December 9, 2019

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Well, not really here in South Carolina. The only thing that has changed is people put lights up and their Christmas tree lol. Praying for no snow this year!

This week was a lot better than last. We had some pretty amazing things happen and I know it was truly God blessing us.

One of our investigators wanted help to quite smoking so we did the church’s 15 step program with her. One of the first things you have to do is crush a pack of cigarettes. We were nervous for her to do it because that's a big step. She not only crushed the pack but she completely destroyed it! She knew if they weren't ruined she would try to smoke them still. She is still going strong and it's almost been a week. I am so proud and I know Heavenly Father is helping her out! 💙
That was probably the highlight of my week!! 

We got called out in sacrament meeting to bear our testimonies because the speaker didn’t show up. After the meeting the bishop and the counselors just kept saying, you can always rely on the missionaries. I hope that is a true statement. 

This reminded me of the talk, "Ask the missionaries, they can help you". This is super good so y'all should go and read it!

Well, I love y'all and I hope y'all have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

If I’m being honest...

If I’m being honest, this week was a hard one. Maybe it’s because it was Thanksgiving or just because sometimes being on a mission is hard (it’s very rewarding, don’t get me wrong and I love it). 
This week I felt little tender mercies and they let me know I am loved. 
On one of the hardest days God gave me someone at the store to just talk to. This sweet lady and I talked for over 20 minutes about Disney and I felt happy. Silly maybe, but it was what I needed :) 
I was also in a house this week and recognized a painting that was hanging. It was painted by an awesome man from my home ward, Steve McGinty. This made me feel like a got a little hug from home too. 
A cute moment that happened was when Brother Jensen’s  daughter told me that she wants to be a missionary. I let her borrow an extra name tag and she wore it then ran upstairs to try and match me. She even asked her mom to put her hair in a pony like mine. Brother Jensen looked at me and said you have a fan and that his daughter Lydia looks up to me. It made the day a little bit better. 
I good read is Hank Smith’s  “Fighting for and not with your Family”. 

Well I love y’all so much and have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen

Tuesday, November 26, 2019



This week seems to have gone by so so fast. So I will probably just give some highlights of cool things that have happened! 

We had interviews this week and I seriously love President Innes so so much! He over my mission has just helped me so much and helped me reach my potential. He is just the best! 

We have been trying to get in with a technical college to do LightTheWorld with them and every person we went to that day told us to go to another person. So that was fun but eventually we figured it out and we can start it up! 

We have been showing "The Christ Child" video to everybody and I just tear up everytime I watch it! If you haven't seen it GO WATCH IT!! I truly know from the bottom of my heart that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. I know that He atoned for our sins and our loving Heavenly father let Him do that for us! 

We also found out transfer news and we are both staying!! I am so excited that this will be my last area! I love the people here so so much and I am so excited to share my testimony with others!!

A good talk to read this week is "The Atonement of Jesus Christ" By Tad R. Callister. 

Well I love y'all so much and have a blessed week! 

Sister Jensen 
15 months apart

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lol I didn’t even know she was pregnant

This week we got this text from a person we are teaching with pictures of her new puppies! It was really really cute! 

I had some really cool miracles! We were talking to people when we were at Walmart and we started talking to this older lady and she told us about how her husband died and she had a dream about him. In the dream she saw that he had no scars and that he was helping people learn. We were able to testify of the spirit world and how we will be working to help others! Another conversation we had was with this guy who told us he thinks that the United States was given to us by God and we were able to talk about the Book of Mormon and how we know that is true! So awesome! 

We had a relief society activity called "Joy in a Bag" and every sister just brought their joy in a bag. It was really cool to see how everything that gives us joy, God created for us! We also did the Family Tree app and found out that we were all cousins and it was so sweet! Y'all the church is true!!

If you want a really good talk to to read this week read "Trust in the Lord" by Dallin H. Oaks. Also, you can read the new missionary standards because that is pretty legit and it is so cool to see the small changes!

Well, I love y'all so much and stay blessed! 

Sister Jensen 

Monday, November 11, 2019


Hello my friends and family! 

It has been such a good week! We had zone conference and it was all about how to have the Spirit with us more as we plan and set goals and find people. It was really neat to see some areas that I need to work in and set those goals to help me get to the level I need to be at! We also got to watch the new Light the World videos! They are so good this year and I promise at least one of them will make you cry lol! Also a fun thing is we (my whole district) got to sing at zone conference and we didn't sound bad at all! 

This week I was reading in 2 Nephi 27 and it was the last Isaiah chapter of Nephi. This time around with my reading have really tried to understand and love Isaiah and this chapter did that for me. It was so cool studying it with the manual and seeing how some of the prophecies have already happened and how we are fulfilling other prophecies. It made me realize how important listening to a prophet is and how his counsel really is from God! I love a living Prophet and the power of the priesthood! 

A good talk to read this week is “True Disciples of the Savior”, by Elder Terrence M. Vinson! One of my favorite lines in that talk is "We can feel enduring joy when our Savior and His gospel become the framework around which we build our lives." 

Well, I love y'all and I hope you have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

King Lamoni?

This week was good! We were able to find someone new to teach. She is so cute and so so sweet! She told us that she doesn't know if there is a God but believes there is a Spirit watching her and guiding her in her life! We were able to talk about how God is that spirit and it made me feel like I was Ammon teaching King Lamoni! It was cool to see the scriptures come to life! 
Sorry I can't think of much else. 
A good talk to read this week is “To Young Women” by Elder Holland, this talk is so amazing and just so uplifting! 
I love y'all and stay blessed!
Sister Jensen 

Monday, October 28, 2019

“A church like yours”


We were talking to this lady who has come to church a couple of times and she told us that she is looking for a church. She told us she us scared to switch over to religion and other fears.
We asked her what she was looking for in a church and she said "Well, a church like yours." 😂

This week was good! We were able to do a lot and it is so much fun!
Some highlights of it was that we found a new place to do service at. I just love doing service, it makes my heart so so happy. We are working at a food pantry called Our Lady of the Valley. It is a catholic church and everyone there is so loving! There was a lot of members from other wards helping and it was so cool to be apart of. 
We also had a ward Halloween party and it was so cool to see everyone come together and just really become friends! We were Ariel and Ursula from The Little Mermaid.  The Graniteville ward is so special and there are some amazing things just around the corner! I can feel it!! 
This week a good talk to read is “Spiritual Capacity” from this past confernce. I love this talk so much!! 
Well, I love y'all so much and I hope you have a blessed week! 

Sister Jensen

101 things I've learned on a mission...

1. Hand quilt  2. Just like a pothole, a testimony can grow overnight  3. Miracles do happen! 4. The gift of revelation 5. The love...