Monday, September 24, 2018

I figured out a place worse than Wyoming...Hell

During our district council this week, an Elder said this to a couple of other Elders from Wyoming. It was pretty funny but super savage! 
This week was pretty good! We really didn't have a lot of clean up or a lot damage done to Orangeburg from the hurricane, so that alone is a blessing! 
We spent a lot of our time finding and contacting people to try and meet with them. It is going pretty good! 
On Tuesday we went over to a members house just to visit her and while we were there she kept saying how grateful that she was that we made the trip down to see her. So, she made us dinner it was just so sweet and yummy (Chicken Sandwiches!). 
Wednesday we got a new investigator! His name is Michael Myers and he is not scary at all! The first thing I saw when I read the name is Dad scaring us with the mask, but he is just so nice! He was a Bible referral and while we were there we talked about the Book of Mormon. He enjoyed what we said and we were able to give him a copy. We have another appointment with him this week! 
On Thursday we went to a less active and part members house. When we got there, one of the first things we did was start a fire. Everyone in the South burns their trash and he asked if we wanted to help. So, I lit a giant fire and it was so much fun! They are having us back this week to teach us how to cook chicken taquitos and to get to know them better! I am super excited! 
We are planning a virtual church tour so that more people will feel comfortable coming to church; we are hoping that will be good! 
This week was overall good. If you want to read something good read the conference talk “Hope, an Anchor of the Soul” by James E. Faust.

Well, I love y'all and hope y'all have a blessed week! 

Sister Jensen 

Monday, September 17, 2018

That was an experience

This week was super weird and didn't feel like real life!! Leading up to the hurricane, we were told to prepare and to stock up because our power would go out.  We were told that we would need food and we would need to fill up our bathtubs with water so we could force flush our toilets, so that was an experience. Every story that we went to was out of bread, milk, juice, eggs, water, and meat (I don't know why you would want to buy meat if your power went out but I guess I can't judge). The few days before the storm, everyone was  prepping or they went up state to avoid the rain, so they were not home. We did meet one new person though (“W”). We talked about religion, why we are serving, and gave him a Book of Mormon. When we were leaving he asked us to come back when his wife and daughters would be home so we could talk to them, so that will be dope when that happens! 
Wednesday night we got a call from our mission president asking us how we felt about staying in Orangeburg and we told him we were great and that we had a lot of members lined up who would help us if we needed it, so he said that was good and he felt good about it too. Thursday afternoon we got another call from him saying that he felt like it would be best if we evacuated and went and stayed in Columbia during lockdown, so we packed in two hours and went to Columbia! President Innes also told us that he had gotten a call from Elder Stevenson saying the first presidency prayed for us in the temple! HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! While we were on lockdown we had to stay inside and it was really boring. We tried contacting people but most of our days were spent eating, sleeping, playing games, and studying! It was honestly terrible because you just stop feeling like a missionary, so we are so glad to be back and working to share this amazing gospel! 
I am so glad that the hurricane did not hit us as hard as they thought but I am saddened to hear all of the damage that it cause to North Carolina. Please keep them in y'alls prayer still! 
A good read for the week is Alma 34 and also Elder Uchtdorf's talk “Point of Safe Return”. 

Well, I love y'all and I hope y'alls week is blessed!
Sister Jensen

Monday, September 10, 2018

My name is Melvin but my friends call me Stud

Melvin is an older guy at the flea market who just talks and talks to us. He says that we are some of the nicest people he knows and he can tell we care about him (which is true!).
This week was super good! We had the traveling sisters (travel around and train other sisters on new things that our mission president is trying out) with us for two days. It was a lot to learn and work on but super fun!

We are teaching two new people and one super promising guy. 
We found a girl named “E” who is in high school and she is just the sweetest thing. The only issue is that we need to get parent permission because she is 17, but hopefully they will say yes! 
The other person we met is “P”! She is a nurse and super cool. She was talking about how heaven is for real and she said how she felt the spirit and knew it was real. I told her to watch “The Cokeville Miracle” if she wanted to really feel the spirit strong. She loved the Book of Mormon and said she wants to learn more, so score! 
We met another super promising guy named "D" who totally dadded us but was really interested. We have questions we ask people when we are at the flea market and then we talk about the question they like so we did that with him. We introduced the Book of Mormon and read about Alma and Amulek and the people in the fire (super intense story to share). He said he liked the story and could relate to it! So he accepted the Book of Mormon and wanted to take us to lunch to talk more. We got a text later that night about how he answered the questions and how he has a lot more questions now and how he is excited to meet with us. He then told us neighborhoods we should avoid and he is just super nice!

We had zone conference this week and it was super cool and really spiritual! We talked a lot about aligning preisthood keys and how we can help the alignment and I learned a lot more about preisthood. 
I guess I'll talk about hurricane Florence. Right now we are far enough inland that we shouldn't be affected by it. It should hit Thursday and then we will be on lockdown. We are safe and nothing bad is happening. The areas that will be hit more harshly are being evacuated and we might get more sisters with us. If we need to evacuate we will go to Columbia. We are prepared and ready for whatever happens! 

A good read this week would be the Saint’s book! I haven't finished all of it but what I have read of it is super good!
Well, I love y'all stay safe and have a blessed week!

Sister Jensen 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Are you on this list?

At the flea market a Baptist preacher had this sign that had a list of things that are sins (liar, shed innocent blood, and so on) then on the bottom of the sign it said, “God isn't happy with you”. He was one super intense guy but he had free cold soda so we got some :)
This week was another slow week but that's okay! We had a lot of our teaching appointments fall through again but, on the bright side, all of the ones with members didn't so we are getting super close to them and it's so much fun! While we were leaving a members house their super cute little boy started to cry and went up to his mom and said, “Mom, I don't want the sisters to leave!”. It was so cute! Also, during the entire lesson he wanted me to put his hair in a side ponytail, so that was fun.
Everyday we go finding like crazy and it's been going pretty well. We have meet a lot of less active members and they all are super willing to have us back, so hopefully that will be good! 
I am on my phone writing this because the library was closed for Labor Day, so this is a bit shorter than usual but it was a slow week, so it’s all good. 
A good read this week is Ammon and King Lamoni! It shows how service and love can soften hearts! 

Well, I love y'all and hope your week is blessed!

Sister Jensen 

101 things I've learned on a mission...

1. Hand quilt  2. Just like a pothole, a testimony can grow overnight  3. Miracles do happen! 4. The gift of revelation 5. The love...